A gift that will be cherished for a life

If you’re looking for a thoughtful gift that will light up your friends heart, a baby clay handprint kit is the perfect choice.

If your baby is just born, we need to treasure these beautiful memories, baby inkpad or baby clay , and record a month’s growth record.

One day you’ll looks up and see a full-grown adult with a life of their own. Always remember what it felt like when their tiny fingers wrapped around your own by proudly displaying this hands and feet printing kit in a beloved place in your home.So Keep Them Close, Even After They’ve Grown.

Before mom knows it, those little hands will be waving goodbye for college. Don’t let the fog of new baby exhaustion wipe those precious memories away. Cherish those first special moments with the new baby keepsake that captures their perfect little handprint, footprint, fingers and toes for life.


Post time: Nov-29-2022